BBVA presents Personal Finance Workshop for the SCD Community

The COVID-19 Pandemic has greatly impacted all our lives. The K I S Foundation, Inc., as a First Responder to Sickle Cell Disease patients and families in Southern California, is still leading the charge as we pivot to the new normal.

We are pleased to partner with BBVA to present a series of Financial Education Wellness Seminars & Personal Financial Workshops. Our first Virtual Workshop is designed specifically to help members of the Sickle Cell Disease Community. Together we will:

  1. Provide SCD patients, parents, and/or caregivers a map for a financial future by determining short and long-term financial goals.

  2. Assist participants in creating a balanced plan to meet some short-term COVID-19 financial needs.

  3. Provide the learning tools necessary to aide young SCD adults in becoming independently stable as they mature into adult responsibilities, after leaving their parents’ care.

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 The first Virtual Financial Workshop will be held on Thursday, October 29, 2020 from 4:00pm – 5:30pm PST. Register today and join us virtually as we learn more about how to be financially healthy and stable in these uncertain times.