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The COVID-19 Pandemic has greatly impacted all of our lives in Los Angeles County, across the United States, and the world.  Many are suffering and dying, afraid and alone.

The KIS Foundation, Inc., as a First Responder to Sickle Cell Disease patients and families in Los Angeles County, continues its mission to keep this under-served community SAFE!! SCD Warriors are faced with additional adverse problems due to their “existing compromised immune systems”, thus placing them at a greater risk for contraction of the COVID-19 Corona Virus, and ultimately, an increased chance of possible death.

The KIS Foundation is instrumental in providing hands-on support of our community. There is an ongoing need for protective/preventive healthcare items, physical fitness tools, educational technology, and other support systems for the SCD patient at home. To meet these needs, we are adding to our existing Crisis Care Package Program with the development of our COVID-19 RECOVERY RELIEF BOX.

This Recovery Relief Box includes our renowned Crisis Care Backpack, essential healthcare items such as face masks, gloves, hand sanitizer, educational and technology products, and physical fitness tools. We are providing the COVID-19 Recovery Relief Box to the SCD community with drive-thru giveaways, US Mail, and personal Covid-19 safety in-person visits.